Kari's dedication to her clients and passion for holistic health and healing merge at the hive. Artist, art therapist, counselor and registered yoga teacher are just a few titles that define Kari's love of continuing education. Creating an inclusive safe space based in the hive mind philosophy, Kari strives to collaborate with all that enter Hawthorn Hive. She believes in combining the cathartic process of making art and the healing power of yoga and breathe to achieve holistic health. Inspiration for her personal artwork is the minds innate need to reflect and release secondary trauma and compassion fatigue.
Hawthorn Hive was born out of the culmination of her education. As a registered yoga and certified mindfulness teacher she helps promote healthy lifestyles. Kari has experience working as an art therapist and counselor in educational settings including The Boys & Girls Club, is trained in Reggio Emilia, and Head Start. Kari developed and implemented the Pediatric Medical Art Therapy position at Bronson Children's Hospital and has presented her research nationally on how to successfully integrate art therapy into pediatric inpatient units in hospitals. Her clinical work experience includes working in inpatient psychiatric and geriatric hospital units, domestic violence shelters, non-profit mental health agencies, and in private practice settings. Kari provides traditional verbal therapy, art therapy, and trauma informed yoga in private and group sessions.

Tulah Tortuga, Therapy Tortoise.
Tulah is a Dalmatian Hermann's Tortoise hatchling that was captive bred and came to us from a reputable breeder in Las Vegas, Nevada. They are helping clients of all ages navigate topics like safety, boundaries, mindfulness, healthy eating habits and much more. They remind us daily the power of slowing down, leaning into rest and understanding that we all have our own unique pace to learning and growing. We can't wait to watch Tulah grow alongside our younger clients.
Why They/Their/Theirs? Tulah, like most hatchling tortoises, have to grow before a human can identify the gender. When Tulah is older we should be able to tell if they are male or female based on the tail shape and length and overall shell length. Tulah is one of the smallest breeds of tortoises in the world and will grow to be approximately 5 inches in shell length if they are male and up to 7 inches in shell length if they are female. The Dalmatian Hermann's are a subspecies of the Western and Eastern Hermann's tortoise and are a mediterranean tortoise from areas of origin near Bosnia and Croatia.